Albert Einstein once wrote that there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle - the other is as though everything is a miracle.
We come together today to celebrate the miracle that is Briar. We give thanks for the privilege of knowing her and of sharing her life.
Nobody who has met Briar has remained untouched by her. Her quiet acceptance has made us more accepting, more aware, more humble.
She has made us question our priorities and values.
Let us join hands and welcome this special child of the universe into our midst - a golden link in life's chain.
Let us wish for her all we would wish for ourselves - love, peace, happiness and security.
May she have every chance to reach her full potential and may her family receive all the strength and support they need to help her in this quest.
May she never know pain - may she never know fear
May she flourish and blossom with each passing year
Like a bird on the wing flying further and higher
So too shall soar the spirit of Briar