September 3 2014
Mayo Clinic - Treatment Suggestions for Rett Syndrome
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While Rett syndrome has no cure, research suggests that intervention begun soon after the diagnosis offers the greatest chance of producing a positive impact on skills in later years. The earlier treatment starts, the better the possibility for learning as well as managing other problems developed by individuals with Rett syndrome.
Medical Management
The various health issues of Rett syndrome call for various treatments. Common issues include nutrition and swallowing, seizures, muscle stiffness, breathing irregularities, orthopedic management for scoliosis, and cardiac challenges
There are a number of ways to help reduce the effects of Rett syndrome. Most treatments are supportive and aim at addressing specific symptoms of Rett syndrome rather than trying to take on the disorder as an entire entity. Generally speaking, the goal of these treatments is to hold back the decline in abilities, enhance or maintain movement, and support social contact and communication. Most families and physicians find that what works best is a complex, interdisciplinary approach that includes many diverse kinds of therapies. These therapies, which range from traditional approaches to new and experimental ones, may include physical therapy, speech-language therapy and occupational therapy.